Saturday, December 30, 2006


I am dating an almost missionary. Its a random thought i know. So my question for this blog is why do missionaries always try and get a girl friend right before they leave? This is happening to me and just resently happened to my friend leola. See with them they met liked each other hung out alot nothing really happened he kissed her then he left and completely twisted her heart and i am worried the same thing may happen to me crazy thought i know. but back to the question i think that the reason missionaries try and get girlfriends before they leave is so that they have someone becides their family writing to them but then they always feel bad when they get that dear john letter, why are they called that anyways who is john?, but its probally not as bad as they make it look in htat one missionary movie at least i hope not cause that would be sad but i do believe that it would feel really cool if you had some hot chick writing you from back home and you companion didn't cause yeah it just would ya know and they are kinda expecting a dear john just to say they got one but yeah in a round about way of saying it and just to wrap it up i think that the reason that missionaries try and get a girl friend before they leave and stuff is so that for the first little while they have some one becides their family writing to them and then so that they can be like i am so cool i got a dear john letter and i am dealing with it in the cool way and its not going to bother me he he he. so yeah

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