Thursday, January 25, 2007

Younger Years

I saw a commercial on tv today for Muzzy. Virtually it's just a video that is suspost to tech kids a second language such as spanish or french. One thing that i noticed was that it is only good for kids under 10 or something like that. I also have always heard from my parents and other old people that its easier to learn things while your young than old. Why is this? I think that is it because your mind is still naive and doesn't know any better than to do what the stupid little movie says. Also it could be because your mind is not full of other important things that you need to know and are drilled into your mind such as other school things. So maybe when you are young and you fill it with so much crap like math and english and other languages and such than what happens to your brain when you have to fill it with other information when you get older and have to go to high school does you brain grow or does it just push out the other stuff that you havn't used in a long time. Really how much do you think you are going to use the french language in the united states where everyone speaks english and some speak spanish cause of so much imagration. Soin teh end just learn things when you are little that will benifit you later like in high school and you will be able to use and practice the things you learn so that it doesn't just leak out on to your pillow when you sleep as you learn new info. Therefor learn important info while your young an then use it all the time.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

A new start

What does a new start really mean? We are starting 3rd term and it's great i get some new classes which means new teachers and classmates. So what all does this really mean? It means that you get to meet more and new people but really does it make that much difference? I honestly don't think that anyone i meet at mountain view high school in one of my classes is going to change my life that much. I think that the reasons that we try to make a "new start" is so that we can try to trick our minds into thinking that new and amazing things are happening to use where actually we are still going through the same routine everyday. Waking up, taking a shower, getting dressed, driving to school, going to class after class, going to work, driving home, doing homework, taking another shower, then going to bed. Its the same boring thing day after day and just by changing who we see and when really doesn't change anything it just tries to trick our minds for the first few days that we are actually doing something different in our lives where we really are not.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

End of Term

So this week will be the end of the term and symester so we get some new classes which is good. At the end of term we always have lots of tests and big projects due for finals. But yet teachers are always complaining about haveing to grade so why do they bother assigning big stuff at the end why not in the middle so they have more time? There could be many possible reasons. one i came up with is that for classes that are only one symester it's like to gather all the info you have gained through tthe whole class. another is that they just keep putting of grading big projects till finally they just have to so they finally assign them to us. Another is that all the teachers wait till every teacher is ready to assign a project so that all of them can had one out at the same time then see which classes the students care about most by which projects they do really well on. so yeah thats just a few of the reasons that i think teachers assign projects and have finals at the end of term and symester becides to kill students grades.

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Dear John/Jane

My last blog brought up a very intresting question that i decided was a very good one for this one. Why is it called a Dear John or a Dear Jane letter? In a search for an answer to this question i randomly brought it up at lunch today and decided that no one really knows why we all just call it that and know what it means. Maybe its a dear john because he was the first guy to get one that made a huge deal out of it same with Jane. or it could just be cause john and sally are really annoying regular names that are boreing. According to wikipedia... "The term "Dear John letter" refers to a letter written by a woman to her husband or boyfriend to inform him that their relationship is over, usually due to the woman finding another man. Nowadays, the roles may also be reversed, with a man notifying his wife or girlfriend with a "Dear Jane letter". A "Dear John" letter has also come to refer to a letter sent to unsuccessful job applicants." Also it says that the origin is unknown but may have been invented during World War II by american troops when they were over seas for long time periods. Wikipedia believes that the reason john is used is cause it can refer to an annonymous man examples are "john doe" and "john Q. Public" also it could just be that john was a very common name back when it came to be. it doesn't say anything about jane so i think it may have just come around as a second J name like sloppy joe or sloppy jane kinda thing. so there ya have it thats why its called a dear john or jane letter so everyone should become educated about randome shit like this he he he

Just as a side note here is a blog that tells you how to write a dear john letter