Thursday, January 25, 2007

Younger Years

I saw a commercial on tv today for Muzzy. Virtually it's just a video that is suspost to tech kids a second language such as spanish or french. One thing that i noticed was that it is only good for kids under 10 or something like that. I also have always heard from my parents and other old people that its easier to learn things while your young than old. Why is this? I think that is it because your mind is still naive and doesn't know any better than to do what the stupid little movie says. Also it could be because your mind is not full of other important things that you need to know and are drilled into your mind such as other school things. So maybe when you are young and you fill it with so much crap like math and english and other languages and such than what happens to your brain when you have to fill it with other information when you get older and have to go to high school does you brain grow or does it just push out the other stuff that you havn't used in a long time. Really how much do you think you are going to use the french language in the united states where everyone speaks english and some speak spanish cause of so much imagration. Soin teh end just learn things when you are little that will benifit you later like in high school and you will be able to use and practice the things you learn so that it doesn't just leak out on to your pillow when you sleep as you learn new info. Therefor learn important info while your young an then use it all the time.

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