Tuesday, February 20, 2007


Coming up we have the big choir concert at mountain view its big! So Ms. Matthews has people come in to to the sound and light designs. They are amazing people she brings in don't get me wrong but really in my personal opinion the high school students that are good and experienced can do a pretty good job not as good as these professionals but close. see this concert is charged to get in and the money goes to there tour trip which this year is going to New York so it's alot of money and they need to break even on the concert to make money and i am kinda worried that they won't. See already this show she is having two designers come and run the shows and design them, she has had to buy more XLR and twist and lock cable for what they need and everything for the wire less mics also she has rented lights from Scera cause at mountain view we do not ahve enough for what they want. So why does she rent all this stuff and pay for all these things for tech and i know that the designers are probally some of the most expensive things so why does she not just trust us with letting us do it with what we know we have and not have ing to rent and pay so much money. I think she just wants the show to be really nice but doesn't trust any of us highschool kids to actually do it the way she wants she would rather pay lots and lots of money and make the choir kids have to pay more for there trip then allow one of us to do it it just doesn't make sence to me. SO i guess the answer to my question is just that she wants it nice and doesn't want to have to worry about some high school kid messing it up just cause they are not getting paid and are not professional. Now don't take me wrong i love working with the people she brings in and i really enjoy getting new things but she could save money with it. So yes come to the choir concert!

Friday, February 16, 2007

Life with out a computer

Today everything we do virtually in school is baced around a computer. actually everyhting is either by typing a paper doing a slide show all the way to our teachers putting in our grades. with out computers school really would be alot different then it is now. SO how would we do this english assignment with out a comoputer? HOw would we write blogs if we didn't have computers? Well i guess the first point i should make is that blogs were created because of the computer but really would Mr. Rich actually make us write a diary or journal? That is one way we couls do this assignment with out blogs but i don't think we would just think about all of that paper work that wouls build up in the basket every week it would kinda suck if i do say so. See the nice thing about the computer is that we can type it up and post in on the internet when ever we want and and anyone including mr. rich can read it when ever he wants to grade it he doesn't have to have all these papers spred out across creation. One other thing that i think the computer has done for us is that it has saved us in a way with out the computer think about how many trees we would be killing for paper we still kill lots but its less now that we can just get stuff off the internet. and in college i have noticed that most the teachers i have had make you e-mail in you reports they never want to see a paper version of your homework. So in the end i really do think that the computer is a great invention but we are kinda way too dependent on it even though it is saving the environment and i am glad that we have it so i can post blogs at 4 in the morning and don't have to print them out and get to add fun pictures!

Thursday, February 08, 2007


Cleaning is a very important thing in my life especially in my work space. But why is it that i can never scene to keep my room clean? I actually find it very funny my room is always a major disaster stuff is pilled everywhere and who knows what where even me. but yet at work and at school i am very OCD and organized. I think that the reason that this is is that my room is where i go after i have been stressed out and am angry and i am to tired to bother or care. Also where my whole house is like spotless and i mean completely spotless i need something that is diffently mine and it has to be extremely different to be mine becuase i am extremely different from everyone in my entire family. Another reason i think that this is is because at school and at work i have to deal and work with those things and how it looks and need to know where everything is in about 2 seconds i have no time to dig around so it has to be dirty. Another thing is that if its dirty how can you tell if someone messed it up alot. An example of this is at school i am in charge of the grave yard that is where we keep all of our twist and lock cables and other light things in the auditorium and people alwasy go in there and mess it up by like throwing cords around to everywhere and just making a complete mess which is annoying. and if i don't keep it clean then how can i be frustrated that is got messed up. So in the end i think that the reason that my room is a mess and every where else is sparkly clean is that at home i need a place that is my own and at school and work it has to be clean to work fast and how else can i yell at people for messing up stuff.

Saturday, February 03, 2007


At mountain view we have a play coming up it's Macbeth by William Shakespeare it's going to be great. SO at reahersal today i noticed something almost all newbies are willing to do just about any thing if you just give them a job. I do not under stand why this is. See we are already more than half way through the school and they should know what they are doing by now right but yet they are still really happy when you ask them to take out the garbage. it's kind of ridiculous i think last year when i was a newbie i never really got treated like i was stupid but that cause i have been doing technical theatre for a few years and had gotten transferred over to mountain view for the tech program. But still i didn't notice anything this bad happening last year. So i have theory to why this is happening. I think that all of these newbies are part of the really cocky group (it happens like every other year or so) so anyways these kids were all used to getting the top jobs and being looked up to by everyone and being the popular kids ish i guess at their jr highs and now that they are in high school. See and on our first day of class where everyone was there the returning techies totally set the newbies straight to their places which is the dirt on my steal toe shoe. really we are just telling them that they are not as smart as they were told they were in jr high and have alot to learn. so yeah that s about it and i really do love the newbies inour class it just amkes me laugh that they will do anything. so newbies this year are willing to do about anything cause they are just taking a long tiem learning how to work our systems and we ahve big things and they don't really get lots of time to just mess around and learn. I love you Newbies!