Thursday, March 01, 2007

Color Blindness

When you are colorblind you either don't see colors or you see colors differently than others do. So how is it that everyone can call something different colors and such cause someones aqua can be another persons sky blue if that makes any sense. Well my point is why do we allow warehousing to happen with colors. Such as why does green mean go and red mean stop why can't they be switched besides that it would cause utter kayos. One other things is that a red octagon means stop sign what if we changed it to a yellow triangle it just would not make any sense. If we did not allow warehousing to happen then on the roads for example there would be more accidents and more confusion. if every stop sign was a different shape and color just the writing was the same then everyone would have to be on a constant look out for funny looking and different looking signs and i bet everyone would be very confused. this is why i think that it is a very good thing that we allow warehousing to happen expecially with our street signs. But back to my other point is why do we bother calling red red an blue blue why not just let every color be some random name to every one. i think that this is because again there would be kayos you could never get your point and thoughts across about colors through words. I think that is is a very good thing that we teach everyone that red is red blue is blue and a red octagon means stop.

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