Sunday, March 18, 2007


Why is it good to do math in your head? My dad brought up this question the other day and i decided to write about it. I figured out after thinking about it for a day or two that i use math all the time and that i don't use a calculator for it at all it's all done in my head. I use trigonometry all the time at work while i build sets, hang lights, focus speakers and so on and so forth. But yet in math i can't do it with out a calculator. I think that the reason i have to do it on a calculator in math is cause it feels like an assignment cause it is and it's math and in school where at work i need to have things figured out fast and be correct and if it's not it causes more problems and everything so it would seam like i would be more likely to use a calculator at work then at school. i just don't think that my math skills are that great when i am at school but when i am at work they don't feel like a am using my math skills i am just figuring out angles and sides in my head and such. So it's good to do math in your head because when you are at work you don't have time to run over and get your stupid calculator and besides then you feel stupid cause while everyone is doing it all in there head you are stuck doing it on a calculator and in the long run it takes longer on a calculator so just learn your math and do it all in your head so that your faster and get more work done in those hours then you would other wise. math is a boring annoying subject that everyone hates but it is really useful and is a great thing to know.

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