Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Can Fun and Work Be the Same Thing?

Is it even possible for work to be something you enjoy doing not a chore? I enjoy very much going to work, I know it's odd but i really do. While i am at work i get to learn things that not only help me get ready for my career, but i also learn things that help me emotionally, mentally, and physically. By lifting heavy objects i build my muscle strength, and by interacting with many different kinds of people i learn how to control how i act around those i can stand and those i can not. I have noticed that many of my friends will do anything to get out of work and they really dred going and wish to leave as soon as possible. Why is this? Why do people always pick a job they know they will not enjoy. Why not from the start try to get a good job doing something that you will enjoy and that will actually help you in the future. how is flippin burgers at a burger joint going to help you better your self and get you prepared for life in the future when you are in control of your self. I really do believe that fun and work can be the same thing if you make the right choices on where you want to work, if you try hard to get a job there, ifyou always have a good attitude while your there, you work hard, and make it a fun joyfull experience. Get some of your friends to work there with you and if thats not an option make friends with the people there hang out with some of them out side of work. From watching my job experience and others i have come to this conclusion. even if you are just flippin burgers you still can make it fun every thing in life should be fun!

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