Sunday, October 08, 2006


Why do people cheat? Some people are so obcessed with winning they will do anything to win including cheating. Sorry to say but yes i was apart of this act of "cheating" but really could it be called cheating? This last few days we were at shakespeare competition in cedar city, Utah. It was really fun, full of drama, but hey we are drama people at a drama competition. Well anyways, in the tech olympics every team was cheating. This year they did not have it garded or anything you could just walk on in it was cool. so i don't really know if i actually cheated or not but that is kinda becides the point. The one thing that i decided really bugs me about cheating is when you cheat with a full out plan just so you can win. Mountain view high school Utah has won four years in a row and this year would have been our fifth except that mountain view mesa half ass cheated and won. the tech olympics is all about the fastest time you can do your event. There are six events: Audio, Rigging, Costumes, Props, Construction, and Lights. Mountian view mesa in every event tried their hardest to get as much done in 30 sec and and then call time and just take all the penealty times. Whith this they won. they really didn't even try that hard to win if you think about it but yet they did it kinda really makes me angry. It was not full out cheating but close enough. it was "half ass cheating". Does a trophy really mean that much? But still i think that they cheated just so that they could steal our golden makita trophy and that it was really the only way that they could have won it cause they suck! people cheat so that they can believe that they are better then someone else or another group of people and then rub it in their faces. I still must say a silver spot light is really cute and adds to our colection and we did a kick ass job! well done every body!I Love you all our team rocked all the socks off all the people!

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