Friday, November 24, 2006

Yum food

There are many different kinds of foods in the world and many different kinds of people. But have youever noticed expecially in utah that what kind of people are in are in the restraunts. I have, and when you are in a restraunt specilizing in mexican food such as los hermonos you hardly ever see latino people in there but in Asain restraunts like asain buffet becides the watresses their are families eating thereWhy is this? the firt thought that comes to my mind is that most latino food such as burritos is really easy to cook at home but food such as sushi is hard to make and its hard to find good fresh raw fish. Also i think that most mexican food places in utah don't really have good mexican food to those that have grown up in latin country or on that kind of cooking cause its not very ethentic to what you really get down there so yes that is why i think you see asain people in asain restraunts but you don't see latino people in latin restraunts.

The Rose

Today I recieved a rose and didn't even know it. One of my great friends Alex Curtis from Orem High School was the one that gave it to me. During fourth period he came over and tied it to the enta of my car. After school i just kinda got in and went to go to work and totally didn't notice it. So why is it that a rose represents things like love, beauty and a job well done? I have always noticed that in a play at opening and closeing night the leading man and lady will get one dozen roses as part of union rules but it also happens in non union theatres as well. Also people give roses to people to show affection like on birthdays and at other times when they want to show affection. according to wikipedia The ancient Greeks and Romans identified the rose with their goddesses of love (Aphrodite and Venus). so that is most likely the reason we still accociate it with love. One thing it mentions though is In Rome a wild rose would be placed on the door of a room where confidential matters were discussed. does this fact have anytihng do deal with why we still had out roses and the meaning of a rose? i really can't think of one off the top of my head. It does represent a job well done by the fact that they are handed out to those that have done an exelent job done this also was done at one time by the greeks after performances. To show how the rose represents beauty i will use the example of beauty and the beast. The beast protects the rose not only because it is controling his life by when the last pental falls he may die but also because the rose represents his beauty and how he used to be before he was turned into the beast. So that is all why i say that the rose represents love, beauty, and a job well done.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006


Let me start off with the play les mis is a great play but it kinda really sucks. Why is a school play bothering me more than the millions of others that i do at once? With this show i am being required to only do this show which i do believe is causing me stress cause i am so used to working at least 3 shows at a time and having to worry about all of them and that they are going well and such. so i think that only working this one is making me focus on just this one thing and causing my brian to explode. ALso i believe its cause criaman is pushing us so hard to make it all perfect and help everyone with everything so we are there till like one getting it all done and its rediculous if everyone would have just put in there all from the begining those of us that have been there the whole time wouldn't still have to be bustin our asses so yeah its all retarted and crap. one other thing that i believe is causeing me more stress with this one is that kendall and i are still not talking and there for nothing is working out right and all and to add to that kendall is trying to prove a point to criman that he is better then criman and knows what he is doing. therefore he is not listening to anything that criman says just to prove a point and the things criman asks him for get dumped on me like getting/ making/ editing the 300 sound effects and such yes its good practice and all that but in the end kendall will get all the glory for it cause he is listed as sound designer. well in the end i believe that it is a bunch of things all mashed together and not having another show to focus on that is miking me more stressed out about this one then all the others that i have done for the past mollion years.

Thursday, November 09, 2006


Whats the big deal with really nice expensive cars? Really a car is a car if it goes it's great the more people you can fit in side on the better cause the more fun you ahve with more friends. so then why is it that when ever a guy takes a girl out on a date they always try and take their dads new mustange to impress the girl. I mean its fun and all cause you can go really fast and it makes that great noise but really think if you had to drive that thing around every where and then when you ditched school it would be no fun cause you can literally fit two maybe three people in those things so its really no fun. So then why is it that everyone acts like they want a car like that. i think that its cause they are really expensive so by driving one they get to put off the impression that they are rich and have cool clasy things where really in my mind i am thinkin why didn't you just save you money by having an expensive car that is known for crashes and such i just think God you are really stupid. So why even bother getting small expensive cars they don't impress everyone. so really there is no big deal. personally i think the next new thing comming out will be cheese cars like this one inthe pic.

Friday, November 03, 2006

Best Friends

Why does alot of stress and a small conflict pull best friends apart? My best friend kendall and i have been friends for years. We work together hang out with each other we are both excepted into each others familys and no one would have ver thought that friends like us could actually have a real fight and not talk to each other for an extended period of time. Well it's les mis time comming about and nothing is working acording to plan we are in a major crunch and our teacher is kinda pushing all of us to the edge so that things will get done. Well a small conflict came up about having someone in the booth to call some of his cues during the show and because we are good friends i got put in charge of telling him that this was how it was going to be so just sit on your ass and deal with it even though i did not agree with it at all either well anyways youget the picture. so we kinda havn't been talking for a long time now and its hurting the show too cause we can't work with each other any more but yeah. i think that when we are all under alot of stress and are being pushed to the edge and really can't deal with it anymore and then get pushed even more is when you kinda just blow up at the first theing that comes in site doesn't matter what it is. But yes that is my reasoning for why friends get pulled apart sometimes over stupid things.