Tuesday, November 14, 2006


Let me start off with the play les mis is a great play but it kinda really sucks. Why is a school play bothering me more than the millions of others that i do at once? With this show i am being required to only do this show which i do believe is causing me stress cause i am so used to working at least 3 shows at a time and having to worry about all of them and that they are going well and such. so i think that only working this one is making me focus on just this one thing and causing my brian to explode. ALso i believe its cause criaman is pushing us so hard to make it all perfect and help everyone with everything so we are there till like one getting it all done and its rediculous if everyone would have just put in there all from the begining those of us that have been there the whole time wouldn't still have to be bustin our asses so yeah its all retarted and crap. one other thing that i believe is causeing me more stress with this one is that kendall and i are still not talking and there for nothing is working out right and all and to add to that kendall is trying to prove a point to criman that he is better then criman and knows what he is doing. therefore he is not listening to anything that criman says just to prove a point and the things criman asks him for get dumped on me like getting/ making/ editing the 300 sound effects and such yes its good practice and all that but in the end kendall will get all the glory for it cause he is listed as sound designer. well in the end i believe that it is a bunch of things all mashed together and not having another show to focus on that is miking me more stressed out about this one then all the others that i have done for the past mollion years.

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