Friday, November 24, 2006

The Rose

Today I recieved a rose and didn't even know it. One of my great friends Alex Curtis from Orem High School was the one that gave it to me. During fourth period he came over and tied it to the enta of my car. After school i just kinda got in and went to go to work and totally didn't notice it. So why is it that a rose represents things like love, beauty and a job well done? I have always noticed that in a play at opening and closeing night the leading man and lady will get one dozen roses as part of union rules but it also happens in non union theatres as well. Also people give roses to people to show affection like on birthdays and at other times when they want to show affection. according to wikipedia The ancient Greeks and Romans identified the rose with their goddesses of love (Aphrodite and Venus). so that is most likely the reason we still accociate it with love. One thing it mentions though is In Rome a wild rose would be placed on the door of a room where confidential matters were discussed. does this fact have anytihng do deal with why we still had out roses and the meaning of a rose? i really can't think of one off the top of my head. It does represent a job well done by the fact that they are handed out to those that have done an exelent job done this also was done at one time by the greeks after performances. To show how the rose represents beauty i will use the example of beauty and the beast. The beast protects the rose not only because it is controling his life by when the last pental falls he may die but also because the rose represents his beauty and how he used to be before he was turned into the beast. So that is all why i say that the rose represents love, beauty, and a job well done.

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