Tuesday, January 16, 2007

A new start

What does a new start really mean? We are starting 3rd term and it's great i get some new classes which means new teachers and classmates. So what all does this really mean? It means that you get to meet more and new people but really does it make that much difference? I honestly don't think that anyone i meet at mountain view high school in one of my classes is going to change my life that much. I think that the reasons that we try to make a "new start" is so that we can try to trick our minds into thinking that new and amazing things are happening to use where actually we are still going through the same routine everyday. Waking up, taking a shower, getting dressed, driving to school, going to class after class, going to work, driving home, doing homework, taking another shower, then going to bed. Its the same boring thing day after day and just by changing who we see and when really doesn't change anything it just tries to trick our minds for the first few days that we are actually doing something different in our lives where we really are not.

1 comment:

緹亞 said...

almost like that