Friday, March 30, 2007

Book Smart vs. Hands On

This past week at my school we had a disaster drill. This is where those of us that sign up get all bloody and bruised and such and then the CRT people come in and rescue us it's always for an earth quake. Well normally we do it at an elementary school but this time we did it at the high school because it was the people that are training the other CRT people. Why is it that the people that are suspost to be training others don't know what to do them selves? That is my question for the week. It really made me laugh they acted as though they had never done this before and didn't know how to handle some of us. For example i got tied to a chair twice and got free and ended up "hurting" myself because of there poor actions? I think the reason that they did not do so well is cause yes at one time they were trained and had their own mock disaster but that was awhile ago cause now for the last few years they have been stuck in a classroom setting teaching it and then when they are put in that situation they know what they have taught people to do but haven't applied it in so long that it's no good. There fore i believe that everyone should not just teach stuff over and over but should practice up there skills with those they are teaching so that when the time comes we don't have only book smart people trying to save others.

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