Wednesday, April 04, 2007

The file Drawrs of Our MInd

I started rehearsals for a musical i am doing at the Scera Center For the Arts called Oliver. This time i am the board opp again just like i was for superman. Now normally i would not have a problem with this except that i am running the show on the digi board which i have not touched since super man which was at the beginning of the school year. At first i was really scared because as usual Kendall is kinda being a douche and not wanting to teach it to me because he is afraid that i am going to take his job which i really don't want. But after just sitting down at the board again and kinda messing around with it i have figured it out again mostly and i found the manual stashed under the board and have re read it. So why is it that When you think that you have forgotten everything on a subject that really after just kinda messing around you remember it again? Now i have not just seen this happen this last week but all the time like in math or in a sport in P.E. or i hate to say it the stupid class called English. I think that since our brain is a very complex place sometimes when we are just thinking about a certain subject that we can't find it it's lost in the clutter of our brains. But after we start doing it the magic file containing all the info of the subject that you learned at one time comes back yes some of the pages are missing and the ink is smeared so it's hard to understand some of it but yet we still get to re-learn it and such. SO in the end one thing i think that you can learn for this is that if you have something to do and you can't remember exactly how to do it just start anyways and hopefully all the info will come back to you about how to do it.

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