Thursday, September 21, 2006

I like Mic Problems

When there is a mic problem why is it that when i am back stage i sorta enjoy it but when i am the board opp. i hate hate hate hate it? Ever since we enven started rehersals for superman the musical with me being the board opp and kendall (my "half brother form another mother") being back stage i have just wanted to switch back to haow it used to be. For the past two years it has always been kendall on board and me as his assistant. When being the assistant you get that chance to be backstage, do mic changes, set changes, fix mic problems, hang out with the actors, and do homework stuff. Where as when you are running the board that is what you do and that is it nothing more or less you just sit there supermansthis big chair turning mics on and off and making it sound good and all that and telling others to go run around and fix things. I think the reason that i hate it when a mic breaks during the show where i am the board opp there really is nothing i can do to fix it i just have to hope it gets fixed. Where when i am the sound asst. i am the one in control making sure that it gets fixed and how long it takes and such. I like to be the one in control and getting to run around and have fun multi-tasking and such.

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