Sunday, April 08, 2007

Moving On

Last week i went to Prom at Orem high school with a bunch of my best friends. My date was one of my close friends Logan. We had a great time i thought well at least i did. It was kinda a stressful day but still fun see the night before i had to work late and then the morning of prom i got picked up at 7 :15 to go to breakfast which was our day date cause me and a few other people had work. After that i went and got my hair done and then was late for work the matinee showing of oliver. it ran over and so i didn't leave till 4:45 and they were picking me up between 5:00 and 5:30 so i ran home and changed and got all ready by 5:10 it was amazing. Well they didn't show up to get me till around 6:00 which kinda made me mad but it was cool cause i got picked up in a stretch limo. well we went got pictures, ate dinner, then went to the dance. After the dance we were sitting in the limo and my Best friend of all time Alex pored out eh bubbly and proposed a tost thingy. At this point is when i relized that out of everyone that i had one of the best proms of my life with i was the only one that was not a senior. This was going to be the dance date things i went to with them this was there very last one ever as a high schooler. Why is it that Best friends always have to move on before you are ready for them too? It always seams like this happens to me i always make really good friends with those that are older then i am and when they move on to bigger and better things like from jr high to high school and now from high school to college it's just confusing. I think that one reason that i seen to always feel like i am getting left behind is because i do make friends with those that are older then i am. Next is that in the industry that i work in you can never be sure where your going to be next week next year and so on. this is because you never know where your next job will be it could be in newyork or asia for all you know or you could just as well be job less. This is because in theater your kinda just waiting for your next gig. So where all my friends are techies and i am one too none of us ever know were we will be in the next few years so really then untimate answer to my question is so that your friends don't move on with out you or you with out them just don't make super close friends that will make it hard i have done that kinda at mountain view i have a select few like priscilla, casey , adn kendall, but at orem its a little harder because i grew up with all these kids and have known them my whole life and they me and we have all gone through lots of differnent things. so yeah i hope that all kinda answers my question thingy . Thank you Logan prom was great i will miss you!

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