Monday, May 07, 2007

"My Doctor says i am not allowed to help clean up..." BULL SHIT!

Tonight was strike for the dance concert and of course the stupid newbies couldn't help cause they "had to be home" or " my doctors says i can't" i just love that one or of course my favorite " i'm too tired". Why is it that all the newbies are so lazy and give all of us bull shit hello we have all been there they same amount and most of us longer then them and have had a morse day because we are older and have more responsibilities and such. But yet they still think that we feel bad for them and think that they are not lieing just to get out of work i mean hello we have all had to do the dirty work at some point like sweeping and moping is the hardest thing in the world. SO again my question is why the fuck are the newbies so fucking lazy it really pisses me off and besides that why do they think they are better then us and don't have to do the dirty work? I think they are just lazy shits who have never learned how to do they share and things like that in the home so i partially blame their parents. But on the other hand why don't they just teach them selves something it would do them some good to not ahve everything spoon feed to them every second of there lives. Now to the other part of the question. I believe that they again are just lazy shits and yeah but to elaborate on that so it's not the same they also just think that since we are willing to do the dirty work we will always be around to do it for them but what s going to happen when we graduate and are gone? Thats right the school is going to go completeley to hell! well at least in the drama tech part. also one side thought i believe that any newbie that is stupid enough to back talk to me after i have spent 8 and 1/2 hours cleaning up the fucking graveyard and say finally to my face needs to be shot cause they are fuck faces and yeah. So in conclusion i believe that the newbies this year need to get out of jr high where they were the top and now get down on the floor and lick my shoes clean. the end again