Friday, September 29, 2006

Superman the Musical

Why is it when some shows end it's a happy ending and others it's a sad one? For example Superman the musical. I can't wait for it to be over. It's not that i hate the people in the cast or crew or that we don't have fun i just want it over. Where like other shows such as peter pan this summer was really fun and i didn't want it to end. I think that the reason that some shows just need to end is because there is never anything intresting that happens in the show and it has no real meaning anymore to you becides that you get money. Where there are other shows that yes you get money for working them but it's also fun and you have more then one job to do for the show or the the one job you have is chellenging. That is why i believe some shows don't want to end and others just need to be finished and over with.

Thursday, September 21, 2006

I like Mic Problems

When there is a mic problem why is it that when i am back stage i sorta enjoy it but when i am the board opp. i hate hate hate hate it? Ever since we enven started rehersals for superman the musical with me being the board opp and kendall (my "half brother form another mother") being back stage i have just wanted to switch back to haow it used to be. For the past two years it has always been kendall on board and me as his assistant. When being the assistant you get that chance to be backstage, do mic changes, set changes, fix mic problems, hang out with the actors, and do homework stuff. Where as when you are running the board that is what you do and that is it nothing more or less you just sit there supermansthis big chair turning mics on and off and making it sound good and all that and telling others to go run around and fix things. I think the reason that i hate it when a mic breaks during the show where i am the board opp there really is nothing i can do to fix it i just have to hope it gets fixed. Where when i am the sound asst. i am the one in control making sure that it gets fixed and how long it takes and such. I like to be the one in control and getting to run around and have fun multi-tasking and such.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Competition is it worth it?

Why do schools have to be so competive? Why does everyone care about winning? How does something that you would think would not be a sport like competition become one just so people can say they are the best and #1? Why must we win tech olympics again and again and again. How did tech turn into a sport but not get the pe credit? For me I love tech it is my life, my dream, my goal but really what will it do for me? This is my first year not actually being a important part of the team. I am only a jr. yes but even in jr.high orem high came and asked me to be on the team and i was team captain of orem highs team last year but now here at mountain view i am only the alternate? He tells me i must be better then everyone on the team at there events but i am the smallest one and have to learn every event and be just as good or better. They are all specialests and get to only work on that event. is it really worth it to be to fall behind and stress out lose sleep and get sick just to make criman happy? Well anyways from this i know i am getting lots of good experience and confidence but i am kinda scared what is going to happen when we are down there. i guess the answer to my questions is that with out having something to get out of it like a trophy or experience what are we all really going to learn from it. High school is about meeting new people, discovering your self, learning, and kicking the other teams butt just cause you know you can!

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Can Fun and Work Be the Same Thing?

Is it even possible for work to be something you enjoy doing not a chore? I enjoy very much going to work, I know it's odd but i really do. While i am at work i get to learn things that not only help me get ready for my career, but i also learn things that help me emotionally, mentally, and physically. By lifting heavy objects i build my muscle strength, and by interacting with many different kinds of people i learn how to control how i act around those i can stand and those i can not. I have noticed that many of my friends will do anything to get out of work and they really dred going and wish to leave as soon as possible. Why is this? Why do people always pick a job they know they will not enjoy. Why not from the start try to get a good job doing something that you will enjoy and that will actually help you in the future. how is flippin burgers at a burger joint going to help you better your self and get you prepared for life in the future when you are in control of your self. I really do believe that fun and work can be the same thing if you make the right choices on where you want to work, if you try hard to get a job there, ifyou always have a good attitude while your there, you work hard, and make it a fun joyfull experience. Get some of your friends to work there with you and if thats not an option make friends with the people there hang out with some of them out side of work. From watching my job experience and others i have come to this conclusion. even if you are just flippin burgers you still can make it fun every thing in life should be fun!