Friday, October 20, 2006

Drama Teens Lives

In drama 4 there term project thingy ish was to write a play and then they are being preformed by the drama 3 and 4 kids. I found out today that i am the SM (stage manager) yeah and they are in a week but i will be ok and handle it. But anyways i just finished reading the scripts of a few of them and most of the shows are based off personal experiences. Well more than 65% i guess ish are really depressing and are about death, drugs, depression, players, etc. It's depressing! and to top it all off one of the people you would never think would be in a situation like such has one of the most depression plays. Why do people hide their feeling? I do believe that one reason all people but expecially teens hide it is because they want to fit in with others and be happy with others. They act happy so people wont ask questions about what wrond and such. This is one reason i am very worried for most of my friends. Here where i am highly involved in drama and so are all my friends i know that they can act and hide it and are really good at it. So in answer to my question people hide feelings to fit in and to not stand out as the depressed kid who may just go kill them self tonight. But i guess it is just how the brain works.

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