Friday, March 30, 2007

Book Smart vs. Hands On

This past week at my school we had a disaster drill. This is where those of us that sign up get all bloody and bruised and such and then the CRT people come in and rescue us it's always for an earth quake. Well normally we do it at an elementary school but this time we did it at the high school because it was the people that are training the other CRT people. Why is it that the people that are suspost to be training others don't know what to do them selves? That is my question for the week. It really made me laugh they acted as though they had never done this before and didn't know how to handle some of us. For example i got tied to a chair twice and got free and ended up "hurting" myself because of there poor actions? I think the reason that they did not do so well is cause yes at one time they were trained and had their own mock disaster but that was awhile ago cause now for the last few years they have been stuck in a classroom setting teaching it and then when they are put in that situation they know what they have taught people to do but haven't applied it in so long that it's no good. There fore i believe that everyone should not just teach stuff over and over but should practice up there skills with those they are teaching so that when the time comes we don't have only book smart people trying to save others.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Small Cars

One of my friends who graduated 2 years ago just got a job at a dealer ship selling cars. I swear that now his favorite thing to do it brag about all the cool cars he gets to drive now with his new job and i noticed something. All of the really great fancy cars are all very small most are just two seaters what good is this? What fun is it to cram into a small car with just two people you can't fit lots of people into your car and drive around crazy. Things are always more fun with more people than just two. So then Why are small cars considered fancy? It really doesn't make sense to me. You would think that the bigger the car is the more expensive it is but that never is true once you get into the mustangs and such. SO i think that the answer to the question just depends on how fast and nice it looks and what the brand name on the car is. SO why bother buying a little fancy car that you can almost fit two people in if you try hard and both will die if you get in a wreck so jsut don't buy them and you will live a longer and better life ish things i guess and always have fun with more people less bad things happen when there are more then too people in a car yes this is true> have a great day !

Sunday, March 18, 2007


Why is it good to do math in your head? My dad brought up this question the other day and i decided to write about it. I figured out after thinking about it for a day or two that i use math all the time and that i don't use a calculator for it at all it's all done in my head. I use trigonometry all the time at work while i build sets, hang lights, focus speakers and so on and so forth. But yet in math i can't do it with out a calculator. I think that the reason i have to do it on a calculator in math is cause it feels like an assignment cause it is and it's math and in school where at work i need to have things figured out fast and be correct and if it's not it causes more problems and everything so it would seam like i would be more likely to use a calculator at work then at school. i just don't think that my math skills are that great when i am at school but when i am at work they don't feel like a am using my math skills i am just figuring out angles and sides in my head and such. So it's good to do math in your head because when you are at work you don't have time to run over and get your stupid calculator and besides then you feel stupid cause while everyone is doing it all in there head you are stuck doing it on a calculator and in the long run it takes longer on a calculator so just learn your math and do it all in your head so that your faster and get more work done in those hours then you would other wise. math is a boring annoying subject that everyone hates but it is really useful and is a great thing to know.

Saturday, March 10, 2007


We are having the show Macbeth at the high school it's going really well i think. We got 12 new wireless mics and other things also you can tell how much everyone cares about this show. Well the other night a bunch of friends and i were hanging out after the show goofing around and we were listening to my 99.5. Well anyways to get to my point a girl came on and said" I just watched a high school production of Macbeth by William Shakespeare and it sucked!"How can people who know nothing judge another so easily? Now i can see where she is coming from with this there are parts that really did suck and especially if she saw our first matinée it was worse then the dress rehearsal but really i guess it's the whole don't judge a book by it's cover thingy. See this show really has meant alot to alot of people and has made significant changes and stuff like that. Now yes i will admit it that some times shows really do suck but you can't just come out and say that you need to become a decetive and figure out what went wrong or if it really was just a bad show. Another thing that brought this question to my attention is for english we did little podcasts for our research papers and my group decided to call ours behind closed doors and it was just about things that happen in society that others just don't want to know about one was on child abuse and the question there was would you step in to protect a child from being abused by their parent? or would you just let it happen and pretend you didn't know anything? Or say you notice a girl at school is a little different and such how do you react to this being different maybe she is different because she has been abused are you still going to judge her they way you were before or what. The moral of the story is just don't judge a book by it's cover and be kind and great full to everyone. If anyone wants to listen to our podcast it's on my families website at just click on behind closed doors also we are setting up a class website for our podcasts after it is setup and all that stuff i will add it here.

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Color Blindness

When you are colorblind you either don't see colors or you see colors differently than others do. So how is it that everyone can call something different colors and such cause someones aqua can be another persons sky blue if that makes any sense. Well my point is why do we allow warehousing to happen with colors. Such as why does green mean go and red mean stop why can't they be switched besides that it would cause utter kayos. One other things is that a red octagon means stop sign what if we changed it to a yellow triangle it just would not make any sense. If we did not allow warehousing to happen then on the roads for example there would be more accidents and more confusion. if every stop sign was a different shape and color just the writing was the same then everyone would have to be on a constant look out for funny looking and different looking signs and i bet everyone would be very confused. this is why i think that it is a very good thing that we allow warehousing to happen expecially with our street signs. But back to my other point is why do we bother calling red red an blue blue why not just let every color be some random name to every one. i think that this is because again there would be kayos you could never get your point and thoughts across about colors through words. I think that is is a very good thing that we teach everyone that red is red blue is blue and a red octagon means stop.