Sunday, May 13, 2007

Over Text Now thats LAME!!!!

Prom Sucks. Yes it does no matter what you want to believe at least for me prom at mountain view has always in someway turned out bad. Prom at Orem high this year was great but mountain view just SUCKS. See last year I went with Tom and that just wasn't good he got in a fight with my dad about curfew and such and he was just really cheap about the whole thing. And then this year my boyfriend/ date dumped me on Friday morning at approximately 2 a.m. over text and was hoping i would be asleep so i couldn't text him back and such. how much lamer can you get? And then on Saturday when i was hanging out with my cool cool Orem friends i found him holding another girls hand and stuff. So really he dumped me for another woman but yet he leave in what two weeks! ha i think he just wants to get laid so he can't go and he knew i wouldn't give it to him cause i don't want his mom to come out and kill me. So my question is why and how can i guy move on so fast and such? I mean yes i do get board of a guy after a while if he just keeps doing the same things day after day and never changes or anything but still. How the hell can you dump a girl one day and have another the next. I think that some guys are just real hart less i say this because most guys i have decided think through their dick and not the large object in there chest that keeps them alive. Another reason for this is that guys have SMS Stupid male syndrome its where they do stupid things like what Ryan just did but it's all cool i am over it ish and will just deal with it and swear off boys. So in conclusion most boys feel through there dick it does have a head so who knows and they would rather die then feel through the object that keeps them alive which is opposite of how most girls think and stuff. And once more... The END.

Monday, May 07, 2007

"My Doctor says i am not allowed to help clean up..." BULL SHIT!

Tonight was strike for the dance concert and of course the stupid newbies couldn't help cause they "had to be home" or " my doctors says i can't" i just love that one or of course my favorite " i'm too tired". Why is it that all the newbies are so lazy and give all of us bull shit hello we have all been there they same amount and most of us longer then them and have had a morse day because we are older and have more responsibilities and such. But yet they still think that we feel bad for them and think that they are not lieing just to get out of work i mean hello we have all had to do the dirty work at some point like sweeping and moping is the hardest thing in the world. SO again my question is why the fuck are the newbies so fucking lazy it really pisses me off and besides that why do they think they are better then us and don't have to do the dirty work? I think they are just lazy shits who have never learned how to do they share and things like that in the home so i partially blame their parents. But on the other hand why don't they just teach them selves something it would do them some good to not ahve everything spoon feed to them every second of there lives. Now to the other part of the question. I believe that they again are just lazy shits and yeah but to elaborate on that so it's not the same they also just think that since we are willing to do the dirty work we will always be around to do it for them but what s going to happen when we graduate and are gone? Thats right the school is going to go completeley to hell! well at least in the drama tech part. also one side thought i believe that any newbie that is stupid enough to back talk to me after i have spent 8 and 1/2 hours cleaning up the fucking graveyard and say finally to my face needs to be shot cause they are fuck faces and yeah. So in conclusion i believe that the newbies this year need to get out of jr high where they were the top and now get down on the floor and lick my shoes clean. the end again

Saturday, May 05, 2007

Gel Changing Newbies

This past week we have been getting ready for our final dance concert at mountain view its kinda exciting but yeah. SO this concert we have a lot of newbies on crew trying to train them for next year and such . normally Dance concerts are really fun and i enjoy them lots so why then is this one such a pain. HA i can tell you that its the stupid newbies!!!!! So normally we have people who have done this many times and have done this professionally and such for gel changing and yada yada wow my spelling sucks this time sorry. So anyways we are doing gel change drills and all they can do is complain and complain and complain but yet they are so so so so slow its annoying but yet when we do it all the other advanced techies they just do it and do it and never complain and such it's so nice. SO why is it then that the newbies complain so much and think that they are so good when they are not and such? I think the reason behind this is that our newbies are completely lazy! it's so annoying only about half the time can you actually expect one of them to show up. it;s so annoying ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. another thing is that they act and think that because they have now been in tech for one year they know everything and that they don't have to listen to any of us anymore about what we think is best and stuff. So in other words we just need to smack all of the fucking newbies across the face really really hard and knock some sense into them really hard and teach them that we are still god. But we don't have god complexes like most of the newbies are getting cause tom told them to ahhh. yes well i am going to sleep now sorry this one is so random mr rich but it does have a point.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Region Choir

Ms. Mathews always makes a very big deal out of her stupid little choir concerts. It's so annoying. Well anyways we had region choir and she wanted all of this stuff strip light s and everything and spots and all that jazz. He eh thats a great song. anyways but when the judges got there we found out as expected that half the stuff she made up set up was not allowed to use. so we had huge crew and nothing to do so annoying. So why is it then that Ms. Mathews always blows everything totally out of proportion? I personally think that the reason for this is the fact that when she was an actress and opera singer she learned that she is always the center of attention and thats also why she wears sparkles. Also another reason for this is the fact that She wants everything to be perfect and everyone to always be able to see all of the stupid choir peoples faces and she wants more and more lights and also more and more mics so that they can all be heard even though she has no idea that they more stuff you add the less you have after a certain point. So yes that is my little blog about why any choir thing is like the biggest thing on the planet and it does n't matter what we think cause we are just tech students.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Two Random Days

Ha Ha So its finally spring break i am excited. This last week i feel has kinda been a waste of time because what two days what can i teacher do in two days and then have almost a full week with out having a class come on most my teachers made us watch videos it's waste of time. SO why then is it that we have those two days of school right before a really big break. I think the reason that we have those two days becises to piss off teachers and yada yada is cause we are required to have so many days of school and such so yes this way we get out of school earlier but really who actually comes to school that last week and if we don't have those two days then i am sure we will make it up sometime else in the year and not at the very very very end like having the last offiicial day be on a Wednesday or something random like that. SO yes that is my theory about why we have those two random days before a very major break becides just to make teacher mad and make students want to sluff . the End

Sunday, April 08, 2007

Moving On

Last week i went to Prom at Orem high school with a bunch of my best friends. My date was one of my close friends Logan. We had a great time i thought well at least i did. It was kinda a stressful day but still fun see the night before i had to work late and then the morning of prom i got picked up at 7 :15 to go to breakfast which was our day date cause me and a few other people had work. After that i went and got my hair done and then was late for work the matinee showing of oliver. it ran over and so i didn't leave till 4:45 and they were picking me up between 5:00 and 5:30 so i ran home and changed and got all ready by 5:10 it was amazing. Well they didn't show up to get me till around 6:00 which kinda made me mad but it was cool cause i got picked up in a stretch limo. well we went got pictures, ate dinner, then went to the dance. After the dance we were sitting in the limo and my Best friend of all time Alex pored out eh bubbly and proposed a tost thingy. At this point is when i relized that out of everyone that i had one of the best proms of my life with i was the only one that was not a senior. This was going to be the dance date things i went to with them this was there very last one ever as a high schooler. Why is it that Best friends always have to move on before you are ready for them too? It always seams like this happens to me i always make really good friends with those that are older then i am and when they move on to bigger and better things like from jr high to high school and now from high school to college it's just confusing. I think that one reason that i seen to always feel like i am getting left behind is because i do make friends with those that are older then i am. Next is that in the industry that i work in you can never be sure where your going to be next week next year and so on. this is because you never know where your next job will be it could be in newyork or asia for all you know or you could just as well be job less. This is because in theater your kinda just waiting for your next gig. So where all my friends are techies and i am one too none of us ever know were we will be in the next few years so really then untimate answer to my question is so that your friends don't move on with out you or you with out them just don't make super close friends that will make it hard i have done that kinda at mountain view i have a select few like priscilla, casey , adn kendall, but at orem its a little harder because i grew up with all these kids and have known them my whole life and they me and we have all gone through lots of differnent things. so yeah i hope that all kinda answers my question thingy . Thank you Logan prom was great i will miss you!

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

The file Drawrs of Our MInd

I started rehearsals for a musical i am doing at the Scera Center For the Arts called Oliver. This time i am the board opp again just like i was for superman. Now normally i would not have a problem with this except that i am running the show on the digi board which i have not touched since super man which was at the beginning of the school year. At first i was really scared because as usual Kendall is kinda being a douche and not wanting to teach it to me because he is afraid that i am going to take his job which i really don't want. But after just sitting down at the board again and kinda messing around with it i have figured it out again mostly and i found the manual stashed under the board and have re read it. So why is it that When you think that you have forgotten everything on a subject that really after just kinda messing around you remember it again? Now i have not just seen this happen this last week but all the time like in math or in a sport in P.E. or i hate to say it the stupid class called English. I think that since our brain is a very complex place sometimes when we are just thinking about a certain subject that we can't find it it's lost in the clutter of our brains. But after we start doing it the magic file containing all the info of the subject that you learned at one time comes back yes some of the pages are missing and the ink is smeared so it's hard to understand some of it but yet we still get to re-learn it and such. SO in the end one thing i think that you can learn for this is that if you have something to do and you can't remember exactly how to do it just start anyways and hopefully all the info will come back to you about how to do it.

Friday, March 30, 2007

Book Smart vs. Hands On

This past week at my school we had a disaster drill. This is where those of us that sign up get all bloody and bruised and such and then the CRT people come in and rescue us it's always for an earth quake. Well normally we do it at an elementary school but this time we did it at the high school because it was the people that are training the other CRT people. Why is it that the people that are suspost to be training others don't know what to do them selves? That is my question for the week. It really made me laugh they acted as though they had never done this before and didn't know how to handle some of us. For example i got tied to a chair twice and got free and ended up "hurting" myself because of there poor actions? I think the reason that they did not do so well is cause yes at one time they were trained and had their own mock disaster but that was awhile ago cause now for the last few years they have been stuck in a classroom setting teaching it and then when they are put in that situation they know what they have taught people to do but haven't applied it in so long that it's no good. There fore i believe that everyone should not just teach stuff over and over but should practice up there skills with those they are teaching so that when the time comes we don't have only book smart people trying to save others.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Small Cars

One of my friends who graduated 2 years ago just got a job at a dealer ship selling cars. I swear that now his favorite thing to do it brag about all the cool cars he gets to drive now with his new job and i noticed something. All of the really great fancy cars are all very small most are just two seaters what good is this? What fun is it to cram into a small car with just two people you can't fit lots of people into your car and drive around crazy. Things are always more fun with more people than just two. So then Why are small cars considered fancy? It really doesn't make sense to me. You would think that the bigger the car is the more expensive it is but that never is true once you get into the mustangs and such. SO i think that the answer to the question just depends on how fast and nice it looks and what the brand name on the car is. SO why bother buying a little fancy car that you can almost fit two people in if you try hard and both will die if you get in a wreck so jsut don't buy them and you will live a longer and better life ish things i guess and always have fun with more people less bad things happen when there are more then too people in a car yes this is true> have a great day !

Sunday, March 18, 2007


Why is it good to do math in your head? My dad brought up this question the other day and i decided to write about it. I figured out after thinking about it for a day or two that i use math all the time and that i don't use a calculator for it at all it's all done in my head. I use trigonometry all the time at work while i build sets, hang lights, focus speakers and so on and so forth. But yet in math i can't do it with out a calculator. I think that the reason i have to do it on a calculator in math is cause it feels like an assignment cause it is and it's math and in school where at work i need to have things figured out fast and be correct and if it's not it causes more problems and everything so it would seam like i would be more likely to use a calculator at work then at school. i just don't think that my math skills are that great when i am at school but when i am at work they don't feel like a am using my math skills i am just figuring out angles and sides in my head and such. So it's good to do math in your head because when you are at work you don't have time to run over and get your stupid calculator and besides then you feel stupid cause while everyone is doing it all in there head you are stuck doing it on a calculator and in the long run it takes longer on a calculator so just learn your math and do it all in your head so that your faster and get more work done in those hours then you would other wise. math is a boring annoying subject that everyone hates but it is really useful and is a great thing to know.

Saturday, March 10, 2007


We are having the show Macbeth at the high school it's going really well i think. We got 12 new wireless mics and other things also you can tell how much everyone cares about this show. Well the other night a bunch of friends and i were hanging out after the show goofing around and we were listening to my 99.5. Well anyways to get to my point a girl came on and said" I just watched a high school production of Macbeth by William Shakespeare and it sucked!"How can people who know nothing judge another so easily? Now i can see where she is coming from with this there are parts that really did suck and especially if she saw our first matinée it was worse then the dress rehearsal but really i guess it's the whole don't judge a book by it's cover thingy. See this show really has meant alot to alot of people and has made significant changes and stuff like that. Now yes i will admit it that some times shows really do suck but you can't just come out and say that you need to become a decetive and figure out what went wrong or if it really was just a bad show. Another thing that brought this question to my attention is for english we did little podcasts for our research papers and my group decided to call ours behind closed doors and it was just about things that happen in society that others just don't want to know about one was on child abuse and the question there was would you step in to protect a child from being abused by their parent? or would you just let it happen and pretend you didn't know anything? Or say you notice a girl at school is a little different and such how do you react to this being different maybe she is different because she has been abused are you still going to judge her they way you were before or what. The moral of the story is just don't judge a book by it's cover and be kind and great full to everyone. If anyone wants to listen to our podcast it's on my families website at just click on behind closed doors also we are setting up a class website for our podcasts after it is setup and all that stuff i will add it here.

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Color Blindness

When you are colorblind you either don't see colors or you see colors differently than others do. So how is it that everyone can call something different colors and such cause someones aqua can be another persons sky blue if that makes any sense. Well my point is why do we allow warehousing to happen with colors. Such as why does green mean go and red mean stop why can't they be switched besides that it would cause utter kayos. One other things is that a red octagon means stop sign what if we changed it to a yellow triangle it just would not make any sense. If we did not allow warehousing to happen then on the roads for example there would be more accidents and more confusion. if every stop sign was a different shape and color just the writing was the same then everyone would have to be on a constant look out for funny looking and different looking signs and i bet everyone would be very confused. this is why i think that it is a very good thing that we allow warehousing to happen expecially with our street signs. But back to my other point is why do we bother calling red red an blue blue why not just let every color be some random name to every one. i think that this is because again there would be kayos you could never get your point and thoughts across about colors through words. I think that is is a very good thing that we teach everyone that red is red blue is blue and a red octagon means stop.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007


Coming up we have the big choir concert at mountain view its big! So Ms. Matthews has people come in to to the sound and light designs. They are amazing people she brings in don't get me wrong but really in my personal opinion the high school students that are good and experienced can do a pretty good job not as good as these professionals but close. see this concert is charged to get in and the money goes to there tour trip which this year is going to New York so it's alot of money and they need to break even on the concert to make money and i am kinda worried that they won't. See already this show she is having two designers come and run the shows and design them, she has had to buy more XLR and twist and lock cable for what they need and everything for the wire less mics also she has rented lights from Scera cause at mountain view we do not ahve enough for what they want. So why does she rent all this stuff and pay for all these things for tech and i know that the designers are probally some of the most expensive things so why does she not just trust us with letting us do it with what we know we have and not have ing to rent and pay so much money. I think she just wants the show to be really nice but doesn't trust any of us highschool kids to actually do it the way she wants she would rather pay lots and lots of money and make the choir kids have to pay more for there trip then allow one of us to do it it just doesn't make sence to me. SO i guess the answer to my question is just that she wants it nice and doesn't want to have to worry about some high school kid messing it up just cause they are not getting paid and are not professional. Now don't take me wrong i love working with the people she brings in and i really enjoy getting new things but she could save money with it. So yes come to the choir concert!

Friday, February 16, 2007

Life with out a computer

Today everything we do virtually in school is baced around a computer. actually everyhting is either by typing a paper doing a slide show all the way to our teachers putting in our grades. with out computers school really would be alot different then it is now. SO how would we do this english assignment with out a comoputer? HOw would we write blogs if we didn't have computers? Well i guess the first point i should make is that blogs were created because of the computer but really would Mr. Rich actually make us write a diary or journal? That is one way we couls do this assignment with out blogs but i don't think we would just think about all of that paper work that wouls build up in the basket every week it would kinda suck if i do say so. See the nice thing about the computer is that we can type it up and post in on the internet when ever we want and and anyone including mr. rich can read it when ever he wants to grade it he doesn't have to have all these papers spred out across creation. One other thing that i think the computer has done for us is that it has saved us in a way with out the computer think about how many trees we would be killing for paper we still kill lots but its less now that we can just get stuff off the internet. and in college i have noticed that most the teachers i have had make you e-mail in you reports they never want to see a paper version of your homework. So in the end i really do think that the computer is a great invention but we are kinda way too dependent on it even though it is saving the environment and i am glad that we have it so i can post blogs at 4 in the morning and don't have to print them out and get to add fun pictures!

Thursday, February 08, 2007


Cleaning is a very important thing in my life especially in my work space. But why is it that i can never scene to keep my room clean? I actually find it very funny my room is always a major disaster stuff is pilled everywhere and who knows what where even me. but yet at work and at school i am very OCD and organized. I think that the reason that this is is that my room is where i go after i have been stressed out and am angry and i am to tired to bother or care. Also where my whole house is like spotless and i mean completely spotless i need something that is diffently mine and it has to be extremely different to be mine becuase i am extremely different from everyone in my entire family. Another reason i think that this is is because at school and at work i have to deal and work with those things and how it looks and need to know where everything is in about 2 seconds i have no time to dig around so it has to be dirty. Another thing is that if its dirty how can you tell if someone messed it up alot. An example of this is at school i am in charge of the grave yard that is where we keep all of our twist and lock cables and other light things in the auditorium and people alwasy go in there and mess it up by like throwing cords around to everywhere and just making a complete mess which is annoying. and if i don't keep it clean then how can i be frustrated that is got messed up. So in the end i think that the reason that my room is a mess and every where else is sparkly clean is that at home i need a place that is my own and at school and work it has to be clean to work fast and how else can i yell at people for messing up stuff.

Saturday, February 03, 2007


At mountain view we have a play coming up it's Macbeth by William Shakespeare it's going to be great. SO at reahersal today i noticed something almost all newbies are willing to do just about any thing if you just give them a job. I do not under stand why this is. See we are already more than half way through the school and they should know what they are doing by now right but yet they are still really happy when you ask them to take out the garbage. it's kind of ridiculous i think last year when i was a newbie i never really got treated like i was stupid but that cause i have been doing technical theatre for a few years and had gotten transferred over to mountain view for the tech program. But still i didn't notice anything this bad happening last year. So i have theory to why this is happening. I think that all of these newbies are part of the really cocky group (it happens like every other year or so) so anyways these kids were all used to getting the top jobs and being looked up to by everyone and being the popular kids ish i guess at their jr highs and now that they are in high school. See and on our first day of class where everyone was there the returning techies totally set the newbies straight to their places which is the dirt on my steal toe shoe. really we are just telling them that they are not as smart as they were told they were in jr high and have alot to learn. so yeah that s about it and i really do love the newbies inour class it just amkes me laugh that they will do anything. so newbies this year are willing to do about anything cause they are just taking a long tiem learning how to work our systems and we ahve big things and they don't really get lots of time to just mess around and learn. I love you Newbies!

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Younger Years

I saw a commercial on tv today for Muzzy. Virtually it's just a video that is suspost to tech kids a second language such as spanish or french. One thing that i noticed was that it is only good for kids under 10 or something like that. I also have always heard from my parents and other old people that its easier to learn things while your young than old. Why is this? I think that is it because your mind is still naive and doesn't know any better than to do what the stupid little movie says. Also it could be because your mind is not full of other important things that you need to know and are drilled into your mind such as other school things. So maybe when you are young and you fill it with so much crap like math and english and other languages and such than what happens to your brain when you have to fill it with other information when you get older and have to go to high school does you brain grow or does it just push out the other stuff that you havn't used in a long time. Really how much do you think you are going to use the french language in the united states where everyone speaks english and some speak spanish cause of so much imagration. Soin teh end just learn things when you are little that will benifit you later like in high school and you will be able to use and practice the things you learn so that it doesn't just leak out on to your pillow when you sleep as you learn new info. Therefor learn important info while your young an then use it all the time.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

A new start

What does a new start really mean? We are starting 3rd term and it's great i get some new classes which means new teachers and classmates. So what all does this really mean? It means that you get to meet more and new people but really does it make that much difference? I honestly don't think that anyone i meet at mountain view high school in one of my classes is going to change my life that much. I think that the reasons that we try to make a "new start" is so that we can try to trick our minds into thinking that new and amazing things are happening to use where actually we are still going through the same routine everyday. Waking up, taking a shower, getting dressed, driving to school, going to class after class, going to work, driving home, doing homework, taking another shower, then going to bed. Its the same boring thing day after day and just by changing who we see and when really doesn't change anything it just tries to trick our minds for the first few days that we are actually doing something different in our lives where we really are not.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

End of Term

So this week will be the end of the term and symester so we get some new classes which is good. At the end of term we always have lots of tests and big projects due for finals. But yet teachers are always complaining about haveing to grade so why do they bother assigning big stuff at the end why not in the middle so they have more time? There could be many possible reasons. one i came up with is that for classes that are only one symester it's like to gather all the info you have gained through tthe whole class. another is that they just keep putting of grading big projects till finally they just have to so they finally assign them to us. Another is that all the teachers wait till every teacher is ready to assign a project so that all of them can had one out at the same time then see which classes the students care about most by which projects they do really well on. so yeah thats just a few of the reasons that i think teachers assign projects and have finals at the end of term and symester becides to kill students grades.

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Dear John/Jane

My last blog brought up a very intresting question that i decided was a very good one for this one. Why is it called a Dear John or a Dear Jane letter? In a search for an answer to this question i randomly brought it up at lunch today and decided that no one really knows why we all just call it that and know what it means. Maybe its a dear john because he was the first guy to get one that made a huge deal out of it same with Jane. or it could just be cause john and sally are really annoying regular names that are boreing. According to wikipedia... "The term "Dear John letter" refers to a letter written by a woman to her husband or boyfriend to inform him that their relationship is over, usually due to the woman finding another man. Nowadays, the roles may also be reversed, with a man notifying his wife or girlfriend with a "Dear Jane letter". A "Dear John" letter has also come to refer to a letter sent to unsuccessful job applicants." Also it says that the origin is unknown but may have been invented during World War II by american troops when they were over seas for long time periods. Wikipedia believes that the reason john is used is cause it can refer to an annonymous man examples are "john doe" and "john Q. Public" also it could just be that john was a very common name back when it came to be. it doesn't say anything about jane so i think it may have just come around as a second J name like sloppy joe or sloppy jane kinda thing. so there ya have it thats why its called a dear john or jane letter so everyone should become educated about randome shit like this he he he

Just as a side note here is a blog that tells you how to write a dear john letter

Saturday, December 30, 2006


I am dating an almost missionary. Its a random thought i know. So my question for this blog is why do missionaries always try and get a girl friend right before they leave? This is happening to me and just resently happened to my friend leola. See with them they met liked each other hung out alot nothing really happened he kissed her then he left and completely twisted her heart and i am worried the same thing may happen to me crazy thought i know. but back to the question i think that the reason missionaries try and get girlfriends before they leave is so that they have someone becides their family writing to them but then they always feel bad when they get that dear john letter, why are they called that anyways who is john?, but its probally not as bad as they make it look in htat one missionary movie at least i hope not cause that would be sad but i do believe that it would feel really cool if you had some hot chick writing you from back home and you companion didn't cause yeah it just would ya know and they are kinda expecting a dear john just to say they got one but yeah in a round about way of saying it and just to wrap it up i think that the reason that missionaries try and get a girl friend before they leave and stuff is so that for the first little while they have some one becides their family writing to them and then so that they can be like i am so cool i got a dear john letter and i am dealing with it in the cool way and its not going to bother me he he he. so yeah

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Hot Guys are Annoying

Right now i am doing the show the nutcracker at scera its a really interesting show and tech is way easy for it set up is long and annoying but it's still easy. I am incharge of setting up all the fx for she show. one of my favorite fx that is used in the show is stage fog the reason its like my favorite is we get to use Dry Ice we go through about 45 pounds a show. We take it and pack it into these four inch sewer tubes then take those and make the fog from the fog maching run through it. the dry ice normally is good about keeping the fog cool enough so that it stays on the stage and not up in the air. So what are we suspost to do with all the left over dry ice from the show? i mean it will save pretty well whne we place it in a blue cooler but still not the best. So during second act i have one cue which is fireing a flash pot so i normally take a run to maverick for big toped bottles and we all scarf down the soda that is in them before the end of the show. So my big question for this one is Why is it that you always get hit on or meet really hot and funny guys when you are running a show or an eran for the show? it's really annoying cause you want to stay and talk but you can't so you tell them to come to the show some time but they just look at you like a freak. So i think that the answer to this question is guys just hang out at gas stations cause they are weird and thats where they pick up on girls and i am always in a hurry cause i have a show going on and really should not be leaving but yeah also i always seem to meet hot older guys at the show or during the show so theatre must be a hot guy place he he. so in answer to my question i think that guys are just attracted to places near or at a theatre and i am always working at that theatre so yeah there ya have it.

Saturday, December 16, 2006

It's My birthday!

Why is it that once you get older than like five your birthday really is not that important? So today is my birthday right but it really doesn't feel like it. I had to run two shows today a matinee and another show at seven with a two hour break inbetween. I am completely exausted and your birthday is like one of the happy days of the year right. When you are little and its your birthday you get a cake and lots of presents and you don't have to do anything you didn't want to do cause it was your special day. I think that once you get older it wears off expecially when you are working as much as i do and never see your family. Also once you reach like 29 you stay 29 and never get older cause you feel old. then also your birthday is kinda like a joke ya know. I think though that as you get older your birthday becomes less and less important to you and those around you is because you relize every day you are getting closer and closer to becoming like your old grandma who can't move.

Friday, December 08, 2006

Scarlet Letter

In english write now we just started reading the book the scarlet letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne. I personally don't understand Why we have to read such boring and annoying books in english classes? See every year in elglish class we are required to read books written a long time ago by some old guy who is dead now and is speaking in some really weird language that is hard to understand so why is that? If you ask an english teacher they will say they are just "SO,,,GOOD" or that it is part of the cariculem or something. Personally i just think that it is the fact that they want us to suffer and force us to we bored to death and read stupid books about adultry. so yes that is my feelings about reading the stupid books for english that really make no sence. but see reading things like how to make a cheese helmet are worth my while and should be read by everyone.

Friday, November 24, 2006

Yum food

There are many different kinds of foods in the world and many different kinds of people. But have youever noticed expecially in utah that what kind of people are in are in the restraunts. I have, and when you are in a restraunt specilizing in mexican food such as los hermonos you hardly ever see latino people in there but in Asain restraunts like asain buffet becides the watresses their are families eating thereWhy is this? the firt thought that comes to my mind is that most latino food such as burritos is really easy to cook at home but food such as sushi is hard to make and its hard to find good fresh raw fish. Also i think that most mexican food places in utah don't really have good mexican food to those that have grown up in latin country or on that kind of cooking cause its not very ethentic to what you really get down there so yes that is why i think you see asain people in asain restraunts but you don't see latino people in latin restraunts.

The Rose

Today I recieved a rose and didn't even know it. One of my great friends Alex Curtis from Orem High School was the one that gave it to me. During fourth period he came over and tied it to the enta of my car. After school i just kinda got in and went to go to work and totally didn't notice it. So why is it that a rose represents things like love, beauty and a job well done? I have always noticed that in a play at opening and closeing night the leading man and lady will get one dozen roses as part of union rules but it also happens in non union theatres as well. Also people give roses to people to show affection like on birthdays and at other times when they want to show affection. according to wikipedia The ancient Greeks and Romans identified the rose with their goddesses of love (Aphrodite and Venus). so that is most likely the reason we still accociate it with love. One thing it mentions though is In Rome a wild rose would be placed on the door of a room where confidential matters were discussed. does this fact have anytihng do deal with why we still had out roses and the meaning of a rose? i really can't think of one off the top of my head. It does represent a job well done by the fact that they are handed out to those that have done an exelent job done this also was done at one time by the greeks after performances. To show how the rose represents beauty i will use the example of beauty and the beast. The beast protects the rose not only because it is controling his life by when the last pental falls he may die but also because the rose represents his beauty and how he used to be before he was turned into the beast. So that is all why i say that the rose represents love, beauty, and a job well done.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006


Let me start off with the play les mis is a great play but it kinda really sucks. Why is a school play bothering me more than the millions of others that i do at once? With this show i am being required to only do this show which i do believe is causing me stress cause i am so used to working at least 3 shows at a time and having to worry about all of them and that they are going well and such. so i think that only working this one is making me focus on just this one thing and causing my brian to explode. ALso i believe its cause criaman is pushing us so hard to make it all perfect and help everyone with everything so we are there till like one getting it all done and its rediculous if everyone would have just put in there all from the begining those of us that have been there the whole time wouldn't still have to be bustin our asses so yeah its all retarted and crap. one other thing that i believe is causeing me more stress with this one is that kendall and i are still not talking and there for nothing is working out right and all and to add to that kendall is trying to prove a point to criman that he is better then criman and knows what he is doing. therefore he is not listening to anything that criman says just to prove a point and the things criman asks him for get dumped on me like getting/ making/ editing the 300 sound effects and such yes its good practice and all that but in the end kendall will get all the glory for it cause he is listed as sound designer. well in the end i believe that it is a bunch of things all mashed together and not having another show to focus on that is miking me more stressed out about this one then all the others that i have done for the past mollion years.

Thursday, November 09, 2006


Whats the big deal with really nice expensive cars? Really a car is a car if it goes it's great the more people you can fit in side on the better cause the more fun you ahve with more friends. so then why is it that when ever a guy takes a girl out on a date they always try and take their dads new mustange to impress the girl. I mean its fun and all cause you can go really fast and it makes that great noise but really think if you had to drive that thing around every where and then when you ditched school it would be no fun cause you can literally fit two maybe three people in those things so its really no fun. So then why is it that everyone acts like they want a car like that. i think that its cause they are really expensive so by driving one they get to put off the impression that they are rich and have cool clasy things where really in my mind i am thinkin why didn't you just save you money by having an expensive car that is known for crashes and such i just think God you are really stupid. So why even bother getting small expensive cars they don't impress everyone. so really there is no big deal. personally i think the next new thing comming out will be cheese cars like this one inthe pic.

Friday, November 03, 2006

Best Friends

Why does alot of stress and a small conflict pull best friends apart? My best friend kendall and i have been friends for years. We work together hang out with each other we are both excepted into each others familys and no one would have ver thought that friends like us could actually have a real fight and not talk to each other for an extended period of time. Well it's les mis time comming about and nothing is working acording to plan we are in a major crunch and our teacher is kinda pushing all of us to the edge so that things will get done. Well a small conflict came up about having someone in the booth to call some of his cues during the show and because we are good friends i got put in charge of telling him that this was how it was going to be so just sit on your ass and deal with it even though i did not agree with it at all either well anyways youget the picture. so we kinda havn't been talking for a long time now and its hurting the show too cause we can't work with each other any more but yeah. i think that when we are all under alot of stress and are being pushed to the edge and really can't deal with it anymore and then get pushed even more is when you kinda just blow up at the first theing that comes in site doesn't matter what it is. But yes that is my reasoning for why friends get pulled apart sometimes over stupid things.

Thursday, October 26, 2006

HatingPeople Can be Enjoyable

Tonight was the first night of SAST (Short Attention Span Theater) and i am the SM (Stage Manager) / production manager (ish ish) in short i was in charge of the whole thing 11 yes 11 different shows. just a note half of them never showed up for their rehersals. Well it went really really well only one show was messed up. But any ways. This one person on my crew who we shall call Tom just so they have a name. Well he is in not only the drama 4 class but also the tech class on my crew. So yes he knows all the shows but he did not know the tech cues. So he believes he is all high and mighty and doesn't need to come to rehersal cause he is just sound. HA HA HA . I say come to rehersal stupid head! I do believe that by the end of the show tonight i really am enjoying the fact that i hate him even though i shoudn't enjoy it but i do it's odd. But really is it possible to enjoy the fact that you hate some one? Right now i do believe it is possible because by hating him and leting him know that i feel that really relives me and all the stress of the production goes away. But yes i know that later i will regreat acting this way to him even though it relives my stress it will most likely just cause more stress later when he decides to act that way towards me. So in answer to my question, it is possible to enjoy hating someone but it will just come back and bite you in the ass sooner or later so for everyone who may read this just know that it is not always a good idea to tell people you hate that you hate them so you should learn from my mistake.